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2018: Ein Jahr im Rückblick

(Auf Englisch) Our Year in Numbers

Our 2018 company review summarises an amazing year for Locatee. On our mission to create smart and occupant-oriented office buildings with our big data platform ‘Locatee Analytics’, we have travelled the world to spread the word, attended events, built up a community and have finally rolled out our solution on 6 continents!

Here’s a look back at 2018 and at what we’ve accomplished together in numbers.




photo of people smiling into the camera from above




Our team tripled in size and celebrated its 3rd anniversary this past year! We send out a warm welcome to all who have joined us and we are excited for every new addition in the year to come. Read more about Locatee’s journey here.



Some of our team members had the chance to take a ‘Work Wherever You Want Week’ this year. All of them together have travelled 75046 km to reach their dream destinations. Have a closer look at the experiences of Flurin in New YorkBenedikt in Tokyo and Alex in Berlin.



We thoroughly enjoyed our 2 team building events this year. The winter event was packed with fun activities in the snow. Read more about it here. Our summer event took place in Berne where we even had a try at the traditional Swiss sport ‘Hornussen’.






Our product has been rolled out in 67 cities on 6 continents.



We are continuously dedicated to improving our solution and making it better for our customers. This is why we have released 7 updates adding a variety of new features. Read about our updates here.



Striving for top-quality and exceptional product development entails the need to generate a myriad of new ideas. In order to do so we’ve held 33 brainstorming sessions, allowing our creativity to be set free.








This year, our sales team travelled 72’432 km in order to spread the word about Locatee and the use cases it covers to optimise your smart buildings.



Orgatec in Cologne, WORK 2.0 in London, and the Smart Workspace Design Summit in Amsterdam are only a selection of events we’ve attended this year. At a total of 11 events we could be seen giving out Toblerones to new potential customers, existing partners and all other great and interesting people. Read about WORK here or subscribe to our newsletter here in order to never again miss an event.



Our team has sent out 241’060 emails to spread the word about Locatee and explain in how many ways our solution may be beneficial to your company.







This year, we increased our number of followers on Linkedin by 52%. We are happy to update even more people on our events, products and company news. Follow us on LinkedIn and keep up to date with our newest posts.



Generating interesting content for our followers has become an integral part of our daily business. To deliver you further detail on our company and on the industry’s developments, we have spent a lot of time researching and writing 30 blog posts. Read all of them in our blog or news section!



Generating a newsletter is a great opportunity to inform all interested parties about our events, product updates, and company news. We have sent out 9 newsletter editions and more will follow! To never miss any company updates again, subscribe to our newsletter here.





We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We’d like to thank YOU, because we could not have achieved all of these goals without our clients’ and partners’ help and we are hoping to reach even more milestones in the future!

See you next year!



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About the author

Charlotte Maurin

Charlotte Maurin

HR Manager

Nachdem Charlotte 6 Jahre lang in London für ein Schweizer IT-Consulting-Unternehmen gearbeitet hat, zog sie nach Zürich und wurde HR-Managerin bei Locatee. Mit ihrer Begeisterung für Menschen und Kultur war es für sie absolut klar, für ein Software-Unternehmen zu arbeiten, dessen Mission es ist, einen Ort zu schaffen, an dem Menschen gerne arbeiten.

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