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The path of success: finding a long-term strategy for your corporate real estate portfolio

Steering your corporate real estate decisions into the right direction has become a business-critical topic for organisations around the world. Learn more how you can find a long-term strategy for your corporate real estate portfolio!

The management of the physical office space has become a business-critical topic for organisations around the world. While this may be of good news for you as a corporate real estate professional, there are still many hurdles and struggles to face:

  • Do you feel enabled to contribute to your organisation proactively or strategically?
  • Do you know the industry market and how to make use of the ongoing trends?
  • Do you have the appropriate information or the tools to do your job successfully?

If you’ve answered “no” to one or several of the above, fret not: we translated those questions into a 3-dimensional model that reflects the challenges but also the opportunities of corporate real estate. The model reveals different approaches on how to master the challenges of corporate real estate in 2020. Armed with this knowledge, you will have all the makings to become a proactive leader and influential strategist in your company.

The 3 dimensions

Let’s have a brief look at the three dimensions and how they can be used to make your daily work more effective, sustainable and eventually more powerful. 

Dimension 1: Corporate Goals

By keeping your objectives in line with those of your C-level executive team, you take active ownership in executing one common vision. Seeing their challenges as your own allows you to not only empathise, but also to get others onboard with your ideas and build up trust.

Are you aware of your corporate goals?

Dimension 2: Industry Trends

Knowing what lies beyond your company’s borders is crucial if you aim to position yourself as an expert. Stay afloat of actual trends and topics, and dare to engage in conversations with peers and competitors.

Are you on top of your industry trends?

Dimension 3: KPIs

Tapping into the power of data means more than collecting all the numbers, metrics, analytics and insights you can: it’s about having the right data in place. Thoughtfully determine which business results matter most first, and select and report on KPIs accordingly.

Do you have access to insightful workplace analytics data?

Do you want to read more about the 3 dimensions and how you can make use of them? Learn more!

Find your roadmap for a powerful long-term CRE strategy

Being aware of those three dimensions is helpful to understand single parts of the whole – by combining and aligning them, you will get a strong tool at hand to find your specific way for a reliable and actionable CRE plan tailored to your particular needs and circumstances. Thus, we created a roadmap covering all three pillars with different variables for each dimension, showing you different options you can choose from to establish your long-term corporate real estate strategy.

Download the map as PDF

Do you want to dive deeper into the 3 dimensions or learn more about certain scenarios?

We compiled a strategic guide for corporate real estate professionals who recognise their potential and wish to improve their standing within their company and on the industry market. It aims to help understand different aspects to consider, measures to take, and provides specific proposals on how to master the challenges which can be expected on the path towards the future of work.

You’ll find: 

  • The detailed 3-dimensional model explaining how company goals, industry trends and KPIs can influence your action plan and long term strategy
  • 2 scenarios which will exemplify possible strategies on your way to becoming an influential strategist mastering the future of work

Do you want to learn more?

About the author

Michelle Pijanowski

Michelle Pijanowski

Marketing and Content Coordinator

A traveller at heart, Michelle has always been excited by storytelling and connecting with people from all walks of life. Her passion for content creation started when she accidentally landed an internship in marketing that ended up leading her into the worlds of social media and journalism. Now equipped with a degree in Communication and Media from the University of Calgary in Canada, she supports the Locatee team as the Junior Marketing Manager.

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