Smart Signage

Stop searching and start finding.

Give employees an overview of office occupancy in real-time, so they can find the right place to work in one glance.

Searching for a free desk in a large building can waste time, cause employees to get frustrated and lead to reduced productivity.

Smart Signage is an add-on solution for screens, tablets, and mobiles designed for workplace leaders, managers, and employees.

Find work zones with free seats available
See easily the number of employees currently in a building and check how busy each floor is
Provide real-time overview of a building's current occupancy
Ideal for solution for entrances and reception areas
Two colleagues enjoying a relaxed office atmosphere

The benefits of Smart Signage

  • Time-Saving

    Find the right place to work–fast.

  • Efficient

    Check the number of free seats on another Floor without taking a single step.

  • Easy to use

    Straightforward design is easy and quick to understand.

  • Empowers employees

    The entire Company can Benefit from the data collected by Locatee.

  • Accessible

    Smart Signage can be prominently displayed on a tablet or larger screen, or checked on a mobile device while on the go.

  • Live-data

    See real-time information about seating availability, no matter how much your workforce moves around.

Made with workplace leaders and their employees in mind

Smart Signage was created for corporate real estate and workplace managers wanting to implement a proactive solution to help employees better navigate a workplace with flexible seating.

Companies seeking a way to help their colleagues in choosing their own workspaces will find this tool to be a useful addition to their existing real estate portfolio analytics.

Get started with Smart Signage

Smart Signage can easily be added onto your Workplace Operations package, so the entire team can take advantage of Locatee Workplace Analytics.

Find out more by getting in touch with our team today.

Contact us to find out how Locatee can support your portfolio and cost optimization plans.

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